Mothers who have just given birth enter a new and somewhat hectic time in their lives. Many mothers want to get back in shape as soon as possible after giving birth, which may be difficult since new mothers often have very little time to themselves. Here are a few simple ways to get back in shape after giving birth while caring for baby at the same time. Before starting any rigorous diet and exercise program, a mother should consult with her doctor, especially if it’s before her six-week check-up. Much like the importance of planning for post-delivery options, like circumcision and umbilical cord blood banking, with a doctor during pregnancy, it’s important to plan for a mother’s post-delivery health with a doctor. In the days immediately following delivery, there are some exercises a woman can begin while laying in bed. Kegel exercises, pelvic tilt and ankle circles are all low impact, stretching and tightening exercises that will benefit a mother’s tired and changing body without asking for too much energy. As a mother recovers, she can begin to add more abdominal strengthening exercises to help with repairing muscles and aiding in weight loss. Getting outdoors is a nice change of pace for a new mother. Going for walks is a gentle and effective method for getting back in shape and breaking away from that feeling of being housebound that often comes with a new baby. Barring any complications with the birth, mothers can carry her little one in a front carrier and take a leisurely stroll. Front carriers allow the baby to connect and be soothed or take a nap, as well. It's important to ensure the baby is big enough to safely fit in the carrier and wear comfortable and well-fitting walking shoes for necessary support. Staying away from any heeled footwear for the first few months is a good idea. For mothers who would like to start jogging or running, jogging strollers are a great option. These strollers are designed to be easy and comfortable to push, allowing for a smooth ride. Most are designed for babies that are at least six months old, but there are a few that recline all the way for newborn babies. They are made to go almost anywhere, including dirt trails or the beach. If a mother is looking for a way to exercise without sacrificing bonding time with her baby, there are “Mommy and Me” classes offered, like yoga, that incorporates fitness with baby. If a mother isn’t ready to leave the house with baby, she can start with an at home DVD that offers the same benefits. Getting creative with in home exercise can also include doing chores, taking the stairs a couple extra times and even turning on some music to dance. With these steps, a mother can make a healthy transition back to her pre-pregnancy weight. A healthy mother is one who will be happier and will be a great role model for her baby to follow as he grows up. “Katie Moore has written and submitted this article. Katie is an active blogger who discusses the topics of, motherhood, children, fitness, health and all other things Mommy. She enjoys writing, blogging, and meeting new people! To connect with Katie contact her via her blog, Moore From Katie or her twitter, @moorekm26.”
umbilical cord blood banking- (second paragraph last sentence) linked to:
a woman can begin (third paragraph first sentence) linked to: services/pregnancy/ information/postpartum- exercises.html
strollers (fifth paragraph first sentence) linked to: http://www.urmc.rochester. edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx? ContentTypeID=1&ContentID=1912
If you wish to get fit in your own home, then an abdominal exercise machines can be a very wise purchase. Also, if you want to lose that stubborn belly fat, or even tone up your abs, an abdominal fitness machine would be ideal.