You know I am a doula and a Hypnobabies instructor..I love it. I do.....and over the years I have found a list of certain things that help moms have easier, comfortable births that they feel like they are in control of and not a victim to. Through experience and trial and error I have also found that these techniques help most moms make it all the way through their Hypnobabies births right up to the end while still feeling like they are in control, strong, comfortable and that their Hypnobabies hypnosis is working. Most of these births have the first ingredient in them to take Hypnobabies.. With most moms this is a must. Not that they can't give birth without it but with Hypnobabies moms can actually create births that they really. really enjoy and not something they have had to muscle their way Yes!!!!
Number one is Take Hypnobabies!!!!!!
Number 2---
Create a firm resolve about the kind of birth you want-You can do this. Try to work through any thoughts about the need to suffer. This particular thought is deeply embedded in our culture and if you don't watch it you will find yourself walking down that path.. It is not necessary to bring a beautiful child into this world in pain, agony and with suffering. Seriously its not!!!
Number 3
KNOW you deserve it-
Do all your hypnosis practice with the intention of creating the birth that you KNOW you can have.
Work through every single fear you can find.Write them down. Go through all the stories that your mom or friends told you growing up and pick out those things that you are afraid of and work on them.
Number 4
Be stubborn about your choices before birth and during birth, like not getting induced ect. and not having your water broken when you are just two centimeters. Remember you have the right to refuse everything-- If YOU are ok and your BABY is ok-- think again!!!!!
Number 41/2
Ok, I forgot one of the most important things---- Sleep, Sleep, Sleep, in your early birth time and as much as possible later.. DO WHAT EVER IT TAKES to get back to sleep if you wake up in the middle of the night. Avoid the tendency to wake up and get all excited and wake everyone else up.. If your birth is really long you will want that sleep and your body will need it...understand?
Number 5
The minute you feel your waves getting stronger start using your hypnosis with a vengeance!! or I guess you could call it firm consistency doing at least two Hypnosis Scripts/cds every three hours. This is important to set a firm foundation for adding layers of anesthesia to help you through transformation. This is a must. This choice will help you be deep enough when you enter transformation and eliminate the fear that comes with dealing with intense transformational waves.
Number 5 1/2
Put in in your mind that birth can be easy and comfortable but that it can be quite intense at times. Knowing that the waves get stronger and stronger before birth can be empowering and help you accept the intense pressure that these waves bring... P. S. It is helpful to have someone around that can tell you when they are as intense as they will get before birth( A Doula?). That way you know that if you can handle those you can handle all of them!! ya bab! you can do it!!!!
Number 6
Stay home as long as possible and resist the temptation to go to the hospital to get your baby out.
It doesn't work like that but at some point during your birth your mind starts telling you it does..Going to the hospital sooner does not mean you will get your baby sooner. Instead just focus on going deeper into your hypnosis and that will do the trick.
Number 7
Hire a Hypno-doula( preferably an instructor of Hypnobabies or someone that has a lot of practice with Hypnobabies) and a fantastic caregiver that really believes in your goals and does not just give them lip service. If you have any reservations about your caregiver change immediately as soon as you can before birth. They will help you and dad navigate uncharted waters and support you in finding your own way to the birth you desire..
Number 8
Prepare your cervix before birth by taking things that soften your cervix and getting regular chiropractic adjustments to align your pelvis.There are many natural substances that you can use to help you have a shorter easier birth simply by preparing your cervix ahead of time for the process.
Consult with a doula that has this kind of knowledge or a natural minded caregiver. It is so worth your time and research.. it can take hours off a birth if used in a timely manner.
Number 9
Prepare ahead of time through visualization to navige the different stages of birth, like transitioning from early birth time to active birth time, the transition from dilating rapidly to dilating very slowly which can happen in birth from time to time and finally visualizing the transition from transitional waves and keeping very relaxed to the downward and intense pressure of pushing your baby out. If you visualize yourself working through these transitions with grace and knowledge and a prepared plan of what you will do and how you will do it, you will find that not much will get you off balance and you will be able to use your hypnosis more effectively and continue with a peaceful outlook..
Number 10
Prepare, Prepare, Prepare for transition. Have a plan and put it to work the minute your waves start getting 2-3 minutes apart and lasting 90 seconds. Plan ahead of time that this is the time you will put everything you know into practice and that your focus will only be on taking one wave at at time and going deeper.If you have a particular visualization that takes you deeper, use it at this time.. It will help so much and keep you steady and focused during this time. Avoid the impulses to come out of hypnosis ect. and just stay steady in working with each wave and going deeper. Remember transformation is very close to getting your baby. That is so exciting and can be very rewarding if you stay in that mindset. You should have a very firm resolve at this time by not allowing your mind to wander from your focus of taking one wave at a time and focusing on your anesthesia...taking you deeper...Ignore everything that is not focused on your goal.. Just be patient you can do this.... you are very close.
*While I acknowledge that all births are different,using these ten techniques will really create a powerful, strong ,self-sustaining process for completing and enjoying a wonderful natural birth.. Through being a doula, I have seen this work first hand over and over.. So birthing Moms and Dads, it is possible and it can happen and it can happen to you! Believe it, know it.. it is possible and it has been done!!!!
p. s Over and Over--
Marie Johnson
Doula and Hypnobabies Instructor
Monday, November 19, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
Why You Need A Hypno-Doula
I love teaching Hypnobabies, it is really one of the most rewarding things that I do. While our couples are going through the childbirth class, the topic of having a doula comes up many times.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with what a doula is, let me clarify.
Now, if a hypno-doula is your tutor, let me add one other option. Imagine now that you are taking that same test, but instead of having a tutor, you actually get to have the teacher help you take the test. She is there to give you the answers and suggestions to help you have the best test you can have.
This teacher, during your birth, would be your Hypnobabies Instructor. She knows the subject better than anyone, and she also knows exactly how to respond to the situation and help you have the best birth possible. Many of the Hypnobabies instructors are also doulas for their students. This is one of the best things you can do, in addition to taking Hypnobabies, to have a great birth. And, if your instructor is not a doula, I know she can refer you to one who is.
With my second birth, I had 2 doulas. A hypno-doula and my Hypnobabies instructor. (and yes, my husband had plenty to do and never felt like his role was taken over) It was so empowering to know that when I, or my husband, needed the extra hypno-support it was there. My birth was so empowering, not just for me but for my husband as well. He told me afterwards that it was so nice to have another set of hands and eyes to assist him during the birth.
So, if you are considering having a doula present at your birth, Hypnobabies or not, look into the option of having a hypno-doula present.
For more information on Hypnobabies classes in Utah, please click here
For more information on Hypnobabies everywhere, or to find an instructor close to you, click here
For those of you who are unfamiliar with what a doula is, let me clarify.
Webster's Defines A Doula As:
"a woman experienced in childbirth who provides
advice, information, emotional support, and physical comfort to a mother
before, during, and just after childbirth"
In everyday terms, this means having a trained professional with you and your partner from start to finish. A doula attends your birth to provide you with suggestions for physical comfort, emotional support, and understanding what the care providers are telling you. A doula often will suggest alternatives for typical medical procedures. Studies have shown that having a doula present at your birth can reduce the length of your birth 25%, reduce your chances of a cesarean birth by 50%, and reduces the request for epidural use by 60%. On top of all of that, women who have a doula present at their births often have a more positive view of how their birth went and have less postpartum depression.
When I explain all these wonderful benefits to moms, I throw in a caveat, not all doulas are created equal. For starters, a doula who has been doualing for 10 years will have more experience and a better understanding of the flow of birth than a doula right out of training. Also, a doula who is trained in Hypnosis for Childbirth will have a better understanding of what to expect during a Hypnosis birth. (such as Hypnobabies or Hypnobirthing)
At first this might seem like a minor thing, having a doula who is familiar with hypnosis for birth. But in practical application this makes a huge difference. If you imagine that having a doula at your birth is like having a tutor during a test. You want your tutor to not just be familiar with your subject, but to really understand the subject. To have studied this subject as intensely as you have. This will make your tutor of more use to you. The same is true for having a "hypno-doula." These doulas have a very specific set of skills, and they are invaluable during your birth. These doulas know your hypnotic deepening techniques and cues. They also know that a hypnosis birth many times look different from a regular birth. For example:
- A mom using Hypnobabies will probably remain calm and focused for most, if not all, of her birth. I have had many moms show up at the hospital at 8 or 9 cm and have the nursing staff believe that they were still in their early birthing time (around 3-4 cm) This is amazing!! And for the untrained eye, or a non hypno-doula, they may mistake a mother's calmness and focus just like the nurses do...thinking it is only early birth and no need to rush or head to the hospital. I had one mom accidentally have her baby at home because when she informed her doula that she felt it was time to head to the hospital, her doula told her she was no where near having a baby and to relax on her bed. 15 minutes later this mom had her baby in her hands.
- Secondly, a doula unfamiliar with how powerful her words are, and the effect they have on a mom in hypnosis can say the wrong thing and cause some unintended consequences. I had another mom tell me that her doula kept telling her that "I know this is painful but you can do it" or "I know it hurts, and you can just embrace that pain and move forward." Well, throughout her entire Hypnobabies class she had retrained her subconscious mind to only expect discomfort, not pain. She told me that it was incredibly distracting, and the more the doula talked about pain,, the more she felt "pain." This mom eventually had to ask her doula to leave the room.
Now, if a hypno-doula is your tutor, let me add one other option. Imagine now that you are taking that same test, but instead of having a tutor, you actually get to have the teacher help you take the test. She is there to give you the answers and suggestions to help you have the best test you can have.
This teacher, during your birth, would be your Hypnobabies Instructor. She knows the subject better than anyone, and she also knows exactly how to respond to the situation and help you have the best birth possible. Many of the Hypnobabies instructors are also doulas for their students. This is one of the best things you can do, in addition to taking Hypnobabies, to have a great birth. And, if your instructor is not a doula, I know she can refer you to one who is.
With my second birth, I had 2 doulas. A hypno-doula and my Hypnobabies instructor. (and yes, my husband had plenty to do and never felt like his role was taken over) It was so empowering to know that when I, or my husband, needed the extra hypno-support it was there. My birth was so empowering, not just for me but for my husband as well. He told me afterwards that it was so nice to have another set of hands and eyes to assist him during the birth.
So, if you are considering having a doula present at your birth, Hypnobabies or not, look into the option of having a hypno-doula present.
For more information on Hypnobabies classes in Utah, please click here
For more information on Hypnobabies everywhere, or to find an instructor close to you, click here
Monday, September 24, 2012
5 Ways to Get Through a Long Labor By Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE, Guide
While the average length of a first labor
is typically 12-18 hours, not including inductions, there are labors
that last longer. Some labors last longer because of physical issues,
the baby moving into a better position, mom’s body opening. Other
labors are longer because of emotional issues like fear of your
surroundings or of becoming a parent, or that your husband won’t make it
on time. These can be very real things. For the women who have to
deal with lengthy labors, it sounds like it’s a lot of pain.
Though having had six labors of my own, I’ve had a wide variety of
times: (in order) 36 hours, 45 hours, 8 hours, 11 hours, 4 hours, 2-3
hours, and 45 hours. The easiest labor was actually my 45 hour labor.
The reason? Because I managed my labor well. And I’ve also seen it
happen many other times in my time as a doula. So here are tips on
making the most of a longer labor.
- Don’t focus on the clock.
It’s so tempting when you’re in labor to look at the clock. How long have I been doing this? How much longer will I be doing this? When will I get to hold my baby? These are all valid questions, but questions that ultimately keep you from focusing on the work of labor which is what gets you to the end. If you can remove the clocks near you, have them turned around or cover them. - Stay home as long as possible.
In your own home, you are most comfortable. You can move freely around, watch television, play on your computer and sit in your baby’s room. These are all the comforts of home. You also have your own bathroom and tub or shower, you can eat and drink to comfort. It is much easier to pass the time in your own surroundings and it can help prevent your labor from stalling by going to the hospital too early. An early labor plan can also be beneficial here. - Go with the flow.
As crazy as it may sound – follow your labor’s lead. In longer labors, there tend to be parts that are slower and more calm. This is the opportunity to rest and even nap. Most women don’t think about this and often view this slow down as a bad thing, when what it usually is is the ability of your body to sense that you need a small break before continuing. Take advantage of these breaks whenever possible. - Use comfort measures early and often.
By the time I was having baby number three and I was anticipating a very long labor, I really wanted everyone to rest up to support me “when I really needed it.” After an hour or two of trying to go it alone, I was agitated and in pain. I finally let people help me relax and rub my back and help me out. Oh, labor was so much easier. A few hours later when I figured out it wasn’t going to be three more days of labor, it finally all made sense. Staying calm all the way through took less energy and made me more relaxation, helping labor progress. Also don’t forget to move around often, this can many times be what you need when labor is taking awhile. It helps protect your joints and skin from being in one position too long. - Start labor off right.
When you first realize you’re in labor, the best advice is to ignore it. Remind yourself of why you can’t be in labor yet. You know the list I’m talking about: I can’t be in labor because I haven’t washed all of the baby’s clothes. I can’t be in labor yet it’s not the date I picked. I can’t be in labor yet my favorite gown is not packed. But remember to take your time. For most women there is no need to rush. Just casually go about getting ready and enjoying these last few hours of pregnancy.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Top Ten Truley Needed New Mom Gifts
So, I get invited to a lot of baby showers, and almost every one has a Target Baby Registry attached. This is full of items like Blankets, Clothes, Bouncers, etc. This list, that was put together by the first time mom, is missing some of the best gifts you can give to a new mom. Here is a list of what I think are 10 of the best alternative gifts to give mom, and believe me, she will thank you over and over again.
1- A Breastfeeding Class, or a Private Lactation Consultation: Yes, I am putting this as #1. Unless mom is not planning to breastfeed, she will most likely need some support with breastfeeding. But far too often, this may get lost in all the other baby preparation. Giving her this gift is priceless for her, and only about $30 for you.
2- A Doula. It can be either a birth doula, or a postpartum doula. A Birth doula is there to support the couple during the birth. Providing mom with physical comfort, emotional support, and knowledge. A postpartum doula is there to help with the transition into parenthood. She will often help with breastfeeding, grocery shopping, and giving mom the night off and taking care of the baby between feedings.
3- A Gift Certificate to The Healing Group. These ladies specialize in helping moms postpartum. Whether mom is 2 weeks or 2 years postpartum, this group is all about mom. They are our go to for the new mom trying to balance her role as mother, wife, and women!
4- Happiest Baby on the Block. Get mom, and dad, the class (there are several people who teach this in Utah) or get them the DVD. This saved me as a new mom. There is such a peace that comes with knowing how to calm your baby. This may end up being their favorite gift.
5- Newborn Photography. This may seem like a splurge, and maybe it is. But from what I have found over 75% of the moms I talk to are hiring someone to come and take professional pictures of their new baby. I am not talking Target or Kiddie Kandids (no offense, they are great businesses) I am referring to the photographers that come into your home, with a box of props and amazing talent to capture those moments they want to remember. I did my newborn pictures myself with my first, and thought I did pretty good. I hired someone to take pictures for my second, and it was a huge difference. Those are the pictures I more readily display.
Some of the photographers we really like are: (in no particular order)
Jewels Photography
Christy Rossi Photography
Earthside Photography
6- A Luna Lullaby or an Aden and Anis Swaddle Blanket. These blankets are made of muslin cotton, and they are huge. They will swaddle a newborn up til his first birthday and beyond. They are soft and cozy without over heating the baby. These are a MUST gift for all parents, and they come in so many cute designs.
7- Prenatal or Postpartum Massage. Massage can help to prep a mom's body for the birth process as well as help her body better heal afterwards. Select a massage therapist who specializes in pregnant and postpartum moms. Wise Massage Care will come to your home, and Salt Lake Prenatal Massage can arrange for someone to watch your baby at the office while you enjoy your relaxation. Both of these companies specialize in expectant moms, but you can get one for yourself too!
8- Babysitting! Old school, I know, but still one of the best things you can do. Allow Mom and her partner to reconnect and to remember the love they have for each other. The long nights, and the newborn challenges can take their toll. Having some one on one time, even for an hour, can make a huge difference in their relationship.
9- Cleaning. You can do this yourself or bring in the professionals. Nothing takes the load off a new mom like knowing her house is clean. You can take 15 minutes and tackle as many tasks as you can, or you can give mom and dad a gift certificate for a local service. Make sure you find one that is very reputable, and with good local reviews. And a few of the local companies said they can work out a deal if you let them know it is a gift for a new mom, or watch for them on LivingSocial or Groupon.
10- Go for a walk. Help mom to get out of the house. Getting some fresh air and exercise will help with the baby blues as well as postpartum healing. Mothers are far more likely to get out for a short walk, if it is with a friend or family member. Make sure that mom has the all clear from her doctor, and keep to to a simple stroll. (she should not be over working herself too soon) Spend this time talking to he about how she is doing, and how she is processing all the changes. Sometimes the best gift, is the gift of support.
(This article is written for a local Utah Audience, the companies we site are local, but you can find them in your area too)
1- A Breastfeeding Class, or a Private Lactation Consultation: Yes, I am putting this as #1. Unless mom is not planning to breastfeed, she will most likely need some support with breastfeeding. But far too often, this may get lost in all the other baby preparation. Giving her this gift is priceless for her, and only about $30 for you.
2- A Doula. It can be either a birth doula, or a postpartum doula. A Birth doula is there to support the couple during the birth. Providing mom with physical comfort, emotional support, and knowledge. A postpartum doula is there to help with the transition into parenthood. She will often help with breastfeeding, grocery shopping, and giving mom the night off and taking care of the baby between feedings.
3- A Gift Certificate to The Healing Group. These ladies specialize in helping moms postpartum. Whether mom is 2 weeks or 2 years postpartum, this group is all about mom. They are our go to for the new mom trying to balance her role as mother, wife, and women!
4- Happiest Baby on the Block. Get mom, and dad, the class (there are several people who teach this in Utah) or get them the DVD. This saved me as a new mom. There is such a peace that comes with knowing how to calm your baby. This may end up being their favorite gift.
5- Newborn Photography. This may seem like a splurge, and maybe it is. But from what I have found over 75% of the moms I talk to are hiring someone to come and take professional pictures of their new baby. I am not talking Target or Kiddie Kandids (no offense, they are great businesses) I am referring to the photographers that come into your home, with a box of props and amazing talent to capture those moments they want to remember. I did my newborn pictures myself with my first, and thought I did pretty good. I hired someone to take pictures for my second, and it was a huge difference. Those are the pictures I more readily display.
Some of the photographers we really like are: (in no particular order)
Jewels Photography
Christy Rossi Photography
Earthside Photography
6- A Luna Lullaby or an Aden and Anis Swaddle Blanket. These blankets are made of muslin cotton, and they are huge. They will swaddle a newborn up til his first birthday and beyond. They are soft and cozy without over heating the baby. These are a MUST gift for all parents, and they come in so many cute designs.
7- Prenatal or Postpartum Massage. Massage can help to prep a mom's body for the birth process as well as help her body better heal afterwards. Select a massage therapist who specializes in pregnant and postpartum moms. Wise Massage Care will come to your home, and Salt Lake Prenatal Massage can arrange for someone to watch your baby at the office while you enjoy your relaxation. Both of these companies specialize in expectant moms, but you can get one for yourself too!
8- Babysitting! Old school, I know, but still one of the best things you can do. Allow Mom and her partner to reconnect and to remember the love they have for each other. The long nights, and the newborn challenges can take their toll. Having some one on one time, even for an hour, can make a huge difference in their relationship.
9- Cleaning. You can do this yourself or bring in the professionals. Nothing takes the load off a new mom like knowing her house is clean. You can take 15 minutes and tackle as many tasks as you can, or you can give mom and dad a gift certificate for a local service. Make sure you find one that is very reputable, and with good local reviews. And a few of the local companies said they can work out a deal if you let them know it is a gift for a new mom, or watch for them on LivingSocial or Groupon.
10- Go for a walk. Help mom to get out of the house. Getting some fresh air and exercise will help with the baby blues as well as postpartum healing. Mothers are far more likely to get out for a short walk, if it is with a friend or family member. Make sure that mom has the all clear from her doctor, and keep to to a simple stroll. (she should not be over working herself too soon) Spend this time talking to he about how she is doing, and how she is processing all the changes. Sometimes the best gift, is the gift of support.
(This article is written for a local Utah Audience, the companies we site are local, but you can find them in your area too)
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Hypnobabies, not just for Homebirths
One of the most common questions, or statements, I hear about Hypnobabies Hypnosis for Birth is "Is that just for homebirth moms?" or "Can I use it even if I am birthing at the hospital?"
Let me take a moment now to explain WHY Hypnobabies Hypnosis for Birth works, and why it is the best option for a mom birthing in the hospital (or out of the hospital)
First, Hypnobabies is a complete childbirth course. This means that when you take a Hypnobabies Hypnosis class, you are learning all about:
*What to expect During Pregnancy and Birth
*How Labor (birth) begins
*Stages of Labor
*Staying Healthy and Low Risk
*A Healthy Pregnancy Diet
And so much more. You are will leave you Hypnobabies class having a much better, and often times very clear understanding on what the birth process is, how it begins, and what happened during each stage. This is a very important component of Hypnobabies because it means that you will not need to take another childbirth prep course. And remember, mom may have been studying up on everything birth related, but her partner may not. So it is another added benefit that Hypnobabies helps to educate mom and partner about what to expect during birth.
So, we have covered that Hypnobabies Hypnosis for Birth includes a detailed Childbirth Preparation, it also includes Hypnosis. Hypnosis has been used for pain management for many years. It is used for medical as well as dental surgeries when the patient is unable to use traditional anesthesia. With Hypnobabies, you are learning very powerful self-hypnosis. This means you learn to enter hypnosis, literally, at the drop of a finger. This deep self hypnosis that our moms learn and practice for 6 or more weeks helps them to instantly enter hypnosis and stay comfortable during their birth. The best part, mom's partner learns all her hypno-cues so that s/he is able to help mom stay focused, comfortable, and in a space of calm.
Next, I would like to cover one of the reasons I think Hypnobabies should be a cornerstone for any couple that is choosing to birth in a hospital. Hypnobabies covers Informed Consent. This is a big deal, since often times couples enter the birth arena with little to no knowledge of what their choices are during pregnancy, birth, and the care of their baby.
Far too often I hear moms tells their birth stories and it goes something like this: "Then they allowed me to _____", "They told me I had to ________", " I felt like my birth was happening to me, I had no choice, no control."
These are sad, often painful statements that mothers are making about their birth. The truth is, you have a choice during your birth. This, to me, is the best part of a Hypnobabies class. Since each instructor is teaching the exact same things, no matter where you take your Hypnobabies class (whether here in utah with me, or in Canada with one of our amazing instructors there) you are getting the same, invaluable information.
Hypnobabies takes the time to really educate an expectant couple on their choices during birth. Did you know that Pitocin can be turned down or even off is the pressure waves (contractions) are too strong? Did you know that you have other choices for cervical softening besides cytotec? Do you know what a Bishop's score is?
All of this stuff is what makes Hypnobabies stand out. We teach our couples how to ask questions and get all the information needed to make the best choice for them and their baby. By adding choice back into the birth equation, hospital moms are more able to feel empowered about their birth choices, instead of feeling that things just happened. This choices are also helpful for birth center and home birth moms!!
Right there, one class in a series of 6, is just ONE reason why Hypnobabies is almost a necessity for a hospital birth. Being informed allows you to have a greater say, and a greater understanding of the birth process. This in turn allows the Hypno-Family to make educated choices not only during birth but for the rest of their lives. Many of my hypno-couples have mentioned that the tools they learned they continue to use. One mom said it was nice to know what to ask when she had to take her 14 month old baby to the hospital and they wanted to perform test and do procedures that she did not feel was necessary. After asking questions that she learned from Hypnobabies, she was able to decide what was legitimate for her baby, and what was just a doctor "shooting in a barrel hoping to find something."
If you are an expectant couple, the best thing you can do for yourself and your baby is to become informed. If you are wanting an unmedicated childbirth, then I highly recommend you look for a local Hypnobabies Instructor.
Let me take a moment now to explain WHY Hypnobabies Hypnosis for Birth works, and why it is the best option for a mom birthing in the hospital (or out of the hospital)
First, Hypnobabies is a complete childbirth course. This means that when you take a Hypnobabies Hypnosis class, you are learning all about:
*What to expect During Pregnancy and Birth
*How Labor (birth) begins
*Stages of Labor
*Staying Healthy and Low Risk
*A Healthy Pregnancy Diet
And so much more. You are will leave you Hypnobabies class having a much better, and often times very clear understanding on what the birth process is, how it begins, and what happened during each stage. This is a very important component of Hypnobabies because it means that you will not need to take another childbirth prep course. And remember, mom may have been studying up on everything birth related, but her partner may not. So it is another added benefit that Hypnobabies helps to educate mom and partner about what to expect during birth.
So, we have covered that Hypnobabies Hypnosis for Birth includes a detailed Childbirth Preparation, it also includes Hypnosis. Hypnosis has been used for pain management for many years. It is used for medical as well as dental surgeries when the patient is unable to use traditional anesthesia. With Hypnobabies, you are learning very powerful self-hypnosis. This means you learn to enter hypnosis, literally, at the drop of a finger. This deep self hypnosis that our moms learn and practice for 6 or more weeks helps them to instantly enter hypnosis and stay comfortable during their birth. The best part, mom's partner learns all her hypno-cues so that s/he is able to help mom stay focused, comfortable, and in a space of calm.
On that note, a couple of things that you may, or may not, know about hypnosis.
1- All hypnosis IS self hypnosis.
This means that mom, partner, or anyone doing hypnosis; chooses to enter hypnosis and they also choose to exit hypnosis whenever they need too.
2- Hypnosis is a state of being that we all do, on a regular basis.
Have you ever left on a simple errand in your car, and the next thing you know you are at your destination...that is a form of hypnosis. Other forms of hypnosis are: watching tv, listening to someone talk, etc.
3- Hypnosis is not a state of mind control, or a state of sleep.
Since all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, you are always completely in control, and you are never asleep.
Next, I would like to cover one of the reasons I think Hypnobabies should be a cornerstone for any couple that is choosing to birth in a hospital. Hypnobabies covers Informed Consent. This is a big deal, since often times couples enter the birth arena with little to no knowledge of what their choices are during pregnancy, birth, and the care of their baby.
Far too often I hear moms tells their birth stories and it goes something like this: "Then they allowed me to _____", "They told me I had to ________", " I felt like my birth was happening to me, I had no choice, no control."
These are sad, often painful statements that mothers are making about their birth. The truth is, you have a choice during your birth. This, to me, is the best part of a Hypnobabies class. Since each instructor is teaching the exact same things, no matter where you take your Hypnobabies class (whether here in utah with me, or in Canada with one of our amazing instructors there) you are getting the same, invaluable information.
Hypnobabies takes the time to really educate an expectant couple on their choices during birth. Did you know that Pitocin can be turned down or even off is the pressure waves (contractions) are too strong? Did you know that you have other choices for cervical softening besides cytotec? Do you know what a Bishop's score is?
All of this stuff is what makes Hypnobabies stand out. We teach our couples how to ask questions and get all the information needed to make the best choice for them and their baby. By adding choice back into the birth equation, hospital moms are more able to feel empowered about their birth choices, instead of feeling that things just happened. This choices are also helpful for birth center and home birth moms!!
Right there, one class in a series of 6, is just ONE reason why Hypnobabies is almost a necessity for a hospital birth. Being informed allows you to have a greater say, and a greater understanding of the birth process. This in turn allows the Hypno-Family to make educated choices not only during birth but for the rest of their lives. Many of my hypno-couples have mentioned that the tools they learned they continue to use. One mom said it was nice to know what to ask when she had to take her 14 month old baby to the hospital and they wanted to perform test and do procedures that she did not feel was necessary. After asking questions that she learned from Hypnobabies, she was able to decide what was legitimate for her baby, and what was just a doctor "shooting in a barrel hoping to find something."
If you are an expectant couple, the best thing you can do for yourself and your baby is to become informed. If you are wanting an unmedicated childbirth, then I highly recommend you look for a local Hypnobabies Instructor.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Painless Childbirth
Birth Unplugged
An Ever-Evolving Understanding of the Power of the Divinely Designed Female
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Understanding "Painless" Childbirth
So, what is up with "painless" childbirth?
A few women are rumored to have "painless" births without special preparation. I think this is probably pretty rare, but the fact that it happens is notable. The majority of women who refer to their births ans "painless" or "pain-free" are women who used hypnosis.
I think this is something that is commonly misunderstood, and I admit I didn't understand it when I was preparing for my first birth. I read the book Hypnobirthing by Marie Mongan, and listened to the CD that came with it a few times. As I understood it, Mongan was teaching that all "pain" in childbirth was a result of the fear/tension/pain cycle, meaning birth will not be painful if you are not afraid of it. I believed that what we experience in birth is a direct result of what we expect, so I chose not to expect pain. I was really oversimplifying things, and I was in for a rude awakening.
When I started having contractions (I refer to them as "contractions" here because that is what I called them at the time--I didn't buy into the idea of changing the words then) I admitted that "they hurt," but it was very manageable. They went on for quite a long time, going away and coming back, and then I was given a very low dose of pitocin, and those contractions really hurt. I was still able to cope using movement and deep breathing for a while, but I was really miserable. I do recognize that there was a psychological element to this pain. In my mind, something external (pitocin) was inflicting pain upon me, instead of it being caused by my own uterine muscles contracting. This, as well as exhaustion and pressure to dilate due to risk of infection, made it much harder for me to cope.
I think that I, as a first timer, espoused a common misconception about painless birth: believing that your birth will be painless just because you've heard of it and believe it's possible. I didn't think I needed to do anything to have a painless birth; I thought it would just happen because birth is not "meant" to be painful (right, Dr. Dick-Read?)
My understanding of this changed when I did the Hypnobabies program for my second birth. I don't know if there is really a difference in the two programs' views or if my experiences caused me to have this new understanding. I don't know if birth is really "meant" to be painful or not, but I do know that it involves a stimulus that the majority (at least in our culture) of women's brains interpret as "pain," which is generally experienced as a negative thing. Good hypnosis for childbirth provides a system for changing your mind so that the stimulus is interpreted as not painful, so that it can be experienced more positively. For me, with my second birth, experiencing it positively involved a conscious choice on my part.
Both Hypnobirthing and Hypnobabies use a technique of renaming some of the words commonly used in childbirth. This is a strange practice and, I admit, it's a little cumbersome at times, but many women find it helpful to avoid negative associations their subconscious may have with the words. One example is avoiding use of the word "pain" and using "discomfort" instead, because it is not as negative of a word. Some could argue that "painless childbirth" is about semantics, but it's really about what you choose to believe.
I believe that most women who have unmedicated births are able to find a way to experience the stimulus of the sensations of childbirth as not a bad thing, even if they do experience them as painful. In embracing a "pain with a purpose" ideology, women are choosing to tweak their understanding of the word "pain" (which is usually a negative word to describe a sensation that occurs when the body is being harmed) to include a kind of pain that is good. This essentially means changing the negative connotation of the word "pain" to be positive in this particular circumstance, while with hypnosis, we simply change the word, eliminating the negative connotation altogether.
I think some people, when they hear "painless," assume that means not feeling anything--that the "hypno-anesthesia" would be like an epidural and make them numb. It doesn't work this way. Hypno-anesthesia is very strong endorphins. It's like when you cut yourself or you twist your ankle and at first it hurts a lot, but then it doesn't hurt as much, that's endorphins. They soothe and dull pain, but they don't take away sensation. With a pain-free unmedicated birth with hypnosis, you would still feel your baby being born, it just wouldn't feel like pain to you.
Sometimes the talk of feeling "only pressure and tightening" in Hypnobabies leads women to expect that birthing waves will feel just like Braxton-Hicks waves. This is not true either. Braxtion-Hicks are just tightening sensations, for me, birthing waves (and also the pre-birth waves that can occur irregularly for weeks before the actual birth) have an extra level of intensity--what I now call a "downward pressure" which signaled to me that my uterus was now working to begin moving my baby down instead of just flexing itself for the exercise.
One of the changes in the new 6th edition of Hypnobabies is the re-recording and re-naming of a track that used to be called "Painless Childbirth" to "Easy, Comfortable Childbirth." Hypnobabies appears to be moving away from using the word "painless," which, considering all of the misconceptions about it, I think is a good move. I feel like "comfortable" is a more accurate description of how Hypnobabies helped me. Whatever sensations I felt (some of which I may have called "painful" under other circumstances), I knew they were normal and was able to not be afraid of them, which allowed me to feel calm and confident and not out-of-control or panicky (except during the cervical lip and the pushing, but I have theories about that). I wouldn't say I was "in pain," because for me, being "in pain" never involves that degree of serenity and self-composure.
I know there are some women for whom surviving the pain of childbirth provides a sense of accomplishment. It makes them feel like they are "hardcore." I, on the other hand, am not "hardcore," nor do I want to be. I can get a sense of accomplishment from seeing that I did something most people experience as very painful, and it was mostly comfortable to me, and I did it with my mind!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
10 Things No One Tells You About Birth
- The contraction pain doesn't end when the baby is born. Your uterus will contract for days, weeks and even months after birth. The pain is especially bad during breastfeeding in the first week or two, some women describe it as feeling like their uterus is going to fall out!
- Your vagina will look different...not just from a tear or episitomony scar (if this happens) but diferent in will be a darker shade of the original color in most cases.
- Your baby will breastfeed WAY more than you can don't be surprised when you spend half of a 24 hour period breastfeeding. Growth spurts are a whole different issue, thankfully they often don't last longer than 7 days.
- If birthing in a hospital they more often than not will give you synthetic oxytocin after the birth whether you need it for heavy bleeding or not (prevents hemorrhaging). Discuss this with your careprovider...if you don't chances are, you will be administered this via IV or a shot in your leg (as baby is crowing) and you won't notice it. This disrupts your body's natural process of making Oxytocin the much needed love hormone for bonding and establishing milk supply.
- Your baby's umbilical cord will be clamped immediately at birth in most hospitals and routinely cut shortly after. This may not surprise you, but learning the benefits of delayed umbilical cord clamping, how it's recommended by the WHO and how hospitals still routinely early clamp regardless of the benefits or potential harm caused...may surprise you.
- The foreskin that is routinely cut off of many newborn boys has a very important purpose and up until recently circumcision was performed without anesthetic: they didn't believe young babies could feel pain.
- Induction before 42 weeks is often not necessary unless you have health complications. Induction can mean a variety of things from a membrane sweep to pitocin through an IV. An induced labour is the most painful type of labour you can have, with no naturaling occuring breaks and a lack of hormones that occur naturally. It is also particularly hard on the baby and often causes fetal distress from no break during contractions.
- Epidurals come with serious risks that most women do not have explained to them prior to the epidural being administered.
- You do not NEED to tear or have an episotomy to birth...with time and patience breathing baby out, MOST babies regardless of size can be born vaginally with minimal trauma.
- Breach baby or previous cesarean doesn't necessarily mean a cesarean section is needed.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Maizy's Beautiful Hypnobabies Birth Story
Excellent Birth Story, Origianal from moms blog
We used Hypnobabies for our birthing. They use some different terminology then you are used to. I also talk about the self hypnosis that I used. If anything doesn't make sense or you would like more of an explanation of what I'm talking about, feel free to ask. I'd love to share more info with anyone! At about 3 AM Tuesday June 19th I woke up to go to the bathroom. I noticed I was having some pressure waves (contractions) and that they were stronger and coming fairly frequently. I slept in between them for about an hour, then I started timing them. They were every 3-5 min apart and lasting about a minute. I was trying to do my finger drop technique (entering self hypnosis) at the same time trying to time my pressure waves. It wasn't working so great, I was too distracted. At 4:30 I got on my exercise ball, tried to relax and tell my cervix, open open open. I was finding it hard to relax and finally at 5:30 I decided I needed to listen to my Deepening CD.
I went downstairs and put it in and slept for about half an hour. At 6:30 our neighbor brought a wide awake Croix back home (he had been at their house from the night before when I wasn't positive if my water had broken and we went to the hospital). I ate some breakfast and went back to bed to see if I could sleep some more. After listening to my deepening DC I found it much easier to stay in my hypnosis. I stayed relaxed and comfortable through pressure waves even when interacting with Croix and eating breakfast. Even though I'd been having regular, strong pressure waves for 3 hours I was hesitant to declare it time to go to the hospital, after we had been sent home less then 12 hours ago. Once upstairs I couldn't sleep and my pressure waves were getting stronger, longer, and closer together (although I did not actually time them, I found that to be too distracting.) A little after 7 I hollered to Brent to get Croix ready we were going back to the hospital. He asked if my water had broken and I told him, no but I'm calling it, this is the real deal, time to go.
On the way there we text our Doula, Tricia, and the birth photographer. Tricia met us at the hospital shortly after we got out of triage and to our room. The birth photographer was unable to make it. So disappointing. So the photos we do have are not so great quality, but I'm still thankful to have them. (So please excuse blurriness, graininess, darkness, etc) We dropped Croix back off at our neighbors and headed to the hospital at 7:30. On the drive I put my head phones and listened to one of the Hypnobabies tracks. This really helped me to stay relaxed on the drive. When we got there I walked up the registration and said "hi! we're here to have a baby!" She asked if we were there for a scheduled induction or C-section. I didn't realize at the time why she had asked that but thinking about it now I'm sure it's because I didn't look like the average woman "in labor". I was calm, smiling and most important, not in pain. She then asked if I was having contractions and I told her yes, every few minutes, with a smile. Since we had just been there the night before going through registration was much quicker then the last time. I found it easy to stay relaxed as a pressure wave would come I'd put my light switch in the off position, breath, back to center and continue what I was doing. In triage they checked me, I was at 5.5 cm! I was excited. We were getting closer to meeting our baby!
After 20 minutes on the NST they took us to our room where they had the tub all ready for me. A little after we got to our room Maria the midwife came and checked in on us and asked how we were doing and asked if we needed anything. I told her everything was great! She told us if we needed anything just to let the nurse know and she'd be right there. We met our nurse Angie, she was great. She said to me, "I've never done a Hypnobabies birth before so I'm sorry if I say the wrong thing". I said to her, I've never done a Hypnobabies birth either, we'll do great together! The tub was awesome! So comfortable and relaxing. I was able to enjoy my birthing time with out any IV's and only intermittent monitoring. To do the monitoring the nurse would just bring a dopler over and listen to Maizy's heart beat before, through and after a pressure wave. I was able to stay in the tub for that which was great! She did that about every 30 minutes. The nurse had to put on these hilarious gloves that went clear up to her armpit every time she monitored me. For some reason it reminded me of a Veterinarian delivering a horse, or elephant or cow or some huge animal! Hilarious right? That was not the only thing we laughed about. We were talking and joking and enjoying our selves the whole time. When a pressure wave would come, I'd just turn off my light switch, focus and then go back to the conversation. There were a couple times when someone was talking to me when a pressure wave would come and I tried to talk to them rather then turning off my light switch. Those couple times I felt my body start to tense up and as soon as I turned my light switch off, I'd relax and be much more comfortable. It was amazing to me! I also used my peace cue and that was very effective and helpful in staying calm and relaxed. During Pressure Waves After At 11:10 Maria came in to talk to us. Her and Dr. Kells had a C-section to do at another hospital at 12:00. She wanted to check me and see how things were progressing before she left. I got out of the tub and was excitedly anticipating hearing I was at a 9 or something like that. She says, well you're at about a 6 so I think we'll be ok if I head over. I was so disappointed. I'd barely made any progress. I decided as wonderful as the tub felt it was time to try and get things moving. But not until after some lunch!
At 11:25 we ate some lunch. Then we went on a walk at 11:45. While we were walking during pressure waves I would lean on Brent and Tricia used a wrap around my belly and lifted. After about 4 pressure waves doing this my water broke, at 12 pm. I had lots of extra amniotic fluid and it was a huge gush, in the middle of the hall way. Not so envious of who ever has to clean that up! Funny how I had been so concerned about a prolapsing cord, or arm but in the moment it didn't even cross my mind. I could feel something was a little different with that pressure wave and it felt kind of nice when my water broke. Instantly I could tell things were different and we quickly headed back to our room. At 12:10 we got back to the room and I asked the nurse to check me, I was at an 8. Brent helping me stay relaxed while the nurse checked me. They called Maria. I heard the nurse say, "my patient is getting pretty active." I decided 2cm could take a while so I got back in the tub. I thought we had plenty of time for Maria to get there Brent using the relax cue Reading me some scripts. It seemed to me that almost instantly I felt like I needed to push! Which I thought I couldn't be to a 10 yet, so I better not, I (my body) couldn't be ready to push yet! But with the next pressure wave there was no way I could not push!
At 12:25 I got out of the tub and squatted and pushed for one pressure wave. The nurses wanted me to get on the bed, so I didn't give birth on the floor. I got on all fours to push on the bed. I remember hearing a nurse say something about getting any OB in there. They told me Ramona was coming and I smiled! Ramona is the midwife at the practice I like the most, the one I had wanted to be with me when I gave birth. I asked how far away she was and they told me she was just leaving the office, I thought I'm going to get Ramona she's only 10 min away!! I pushed with the next pressure wave and at that point I thought oh this hurts. I kind of whimpered "it hurts it hurts". Brent helping me while I pushed. Next pressure wave it burned and I said that. The nurse said yes she's doing a good job of stretching you out. I asked if she (Maizy) was there? She said yes you can feel her head. So at 12:32 I reached down and felt my baby crowing. (I think it's funny at that moment I wanted to shout, "how's my perineum?" I didn't :) I was shocked, I had pushed for an hour and a half with Croix. Here I was just a couple pushes in and she was already crowning. I also remembered with Croix his head would come out a little with a push and then go back in and that happened for such a long time. I wanted to make sure that didn't happen so with the next pressure wave I really bore down, and out came her head. The nurse said one more push for her shoulders. One more push and at 12:35 she was born. Brent was going to catch, and went down to do so when her head came out, but it all happened so fast he didn't get a chance to. The nurses kind of caught her, more they helped her land on the bed. The midwife, or any other doctor never made it. It was just me, Brent, Tricia, and the nurses. It was perfect.
At 12:45 Maria got there. She checked and said there was no tearing, just some minor abrasions. I was so happy to hear that! I was worried with how fast it had gone I would have torn. I was very glad my perineum was fine:) We waited to cut the cord until it stopped pulsing. Maizy came out perfect with a good cry. She scored a 9/9 on the Apgar. At 12:55 the placenta was delivered and it felt good to deliver the placenta, a little relief. And at 1:00 Maizy started nursing for the first time. We waited an hour or so to weigh her, just took some time to bond. She weighed in at 5 pounds 14 ounces, 19 inches long 12cm head. After a while another nurse came in and said what a great job I did. She said, I hear you even went pee by yourself. My slightly baffled response was "Yeah I'm such a big girl" When I got home and was using my water bottle after using the restroom I remembered having a hard time peeing after Croix, most likely from the catheter, and having to use water to help me start peeing. That helped me understand her comment. I heard from several nurses, what an amazing job I did. It really felt great to hear that from women who see births daily.
Maizy was doing great and I was feeling fantastic so the next morning I asked if we could be discharged. Twenty Four hours after she was born and our little family was headed home. I was confidant that Hypnobabies would work and I would have the birthing experience I wanted but I am still amazed at just how easy it really was. It was quick and comfortable. The only time I felt any real pain was when I was pushing her out. And even then I was not screaming out in pain, or crying, or vomiting, just quietly said it hurts. I felt/feel so much better afterwards this time then I did after Croix. I was immediately able to get up and walk around and I felt great! My body is/was not as tired. I am already (3 days post baby) not even taking Ibuprofen because I don't need it. When my milk came in I didn't get engorged (that can be caused by the excess fluids in your body from IV fluids during birthing time). A natural birth, a Hypnobabies birth was one of the best most beautiful experience of my life. It was perfection!
We used Hypnobabies for our birthing. They use some different terminology then you are used to. I also talk about the self hypnosis that I used. If anything doesn't make sense or you would like more of an explanation of what I'm talking about, feel free to ask. I'd love to share more info with anyone! At about 3 AM Tuesday June 19th I woke up to go to the bathroom. I noticed I was having some pressure waves (contractions) and that they were stronger and coming fairly frequently. I slept in between them for about an hour, then I started timing them. They were every 3-5 min apart and lasting about a minute. I was trying to do my finger drop technique (entering self hypnosis) at the same time trying to time my pressure waves. It wasn't working so great, I was too distracted. At 4:30 I got on my exercise ball, tried to relax and tell my cervix, open open open. I was finding it hard to relax and finally at 5:30 I decided I needed to listen to my Deepening CD.
I went downstairs and put it in and slept for about half an hour. At 6:30 our neighbor brought a wide awake Croix back home (he had been at their house from the night before when I wasn't positive if my water had broken and we went to the hospital). I ate some breakfast and went back to bed to see if I could sleep some more. After listening to my deepening DC I found it much easier to stay in my hypnosis. I stayed relaxed and comfortable through pressure waves even when interacting with Croix and eating breakfast. Even though I'd been having regular, strong pressure waves for 3 hours I was hesitant to declare it time to go to the hospital, after we had been sent home less then 12 hours ago. Once upstairs I couldn't sleep and my pressure waves were getting stronger, longer, and closer together (although I did not actually time them, I found that to be too distracting.) A little after 7 I hollered to Brent to get Croix ready we were going back to the hospital. He asked if my water had broken and I told him, no but I'm calling it, this is the real deal, time to go.
On the way there we text our Doula, Tricia, and the birth photographer. Tricia met us at the hospital shortly after we got out of triage and to our room. The birth photographer was unable to make it. So disappointing. So the photos we do have are not so great quality, but I'm still thankful to have them. (So please excuse blurriness, graininess, darkness, etc) We dropped Croix back off at our neighbors and headed to the hospital at 7:30. On the drive I put my head phones and listened to one of the Hypnobabies tracks. This really helped me to stay relaxed on the drive. When we got there I walked up the registration and said "hi! we're here to have a baby!" She asked if we were there for a scheduled induction or C-section. I didn't realize at the time why she had asked that but thinking about it now I'm sure it's because I didn't look like the average woman "in labor". I was calm, smiling and most important, not in pain. She then asked if I was having contractions and I told her yes, every few minutes, with a smile. Since we had just been there the night before going through registration was much quicker then the last time. I found it easy to stay relaxed as a pressure wave would come I'd put my light switch in the off position, breath, back to center and continue what I was doing. In triage they checked me, I was at 5.5 cm! I was excited. We were getting closer to meeting our baby!
After 20 minutes on the NST they took us to our room where they had the tub all ready for me. A little after we got to our room Maria the midwife came and checked in on us and asked how we were doing and asked if we needed anything. I told her everything was great! She told us if we needed anything just to let the nurse know and she'd be right there. We met our nurse Angie, she was great. She said to me, "I've never done a Hypnobabies birth before so I'm sorry if I say the wrong thing". I said to her, I've never done a Hypnobabies birth either, we'll do great together! The tub was awesome! So comfortable and relaxing. I was able to enjoy my birthing time with out any IV's and only intermittent monitoring. To do the monitoring the nurse would just bring a dopler over and listen to Maizy's heart beat before, through and after a pressure wave. I was able to stay in the tub for that which was great! She did that about every 30 minutes. The nurse had to put on these hilarious gloves that went clear up to her armpit every time she monitored me. For some reason it reminded me of a Veterinarian delivering a horse, or elephant or cow or some huge animal! Hilarious right? That was not the only thing we laughed about. We were talking and joking and enjoying our selves the whole time. When a pressure wave would come, I'd just turn off my light switch, focus and then go back to the conversation. There were a couple times when someone was talking to me when a pressure wave would come and I tried to talk to them rather then turning off my light switch. Those couple times I felt my body start to tense up and as soon as I turned my light switch off, I'd relax and be much more comfortable. It was amazing to me! I also used my peace cue and that was very effective and helpful in staying calm and relaxed. During Pressure Waves After At 11:10 Maria came in to talk to us. Her and Dr. Kells had a C-section to do at another hospital at 12:00. She wanted to check me and see how things were progressing before she left. I got out of the tub and was excitedly anticipating hearing I was at a 9 or something like that. She says, well you're at about a 6 so I think we'll be ok if I head over. I was so disappointed. I'd barely made any progress. I decided as wonderful as the tub felt it was time to try and get things moving. But not until after some lunch!
At 11:25 we ate some lunch. Then we went on a walk at 11:45. While we were walking during pressure waves I would lean on Brent and Tricia used a wrap around my belly and lifted. After about 4 pressure waves doing this my water broke, at 12 pm. I had lots of extra amniotic fluid and it was a huge gush, in the middle of the hall way. Not so envious of who ever has to clean that up! Funny how I had been so concerned about a prolapsing cord, or arm but in the moment it didn't even cross my mind. I could feel something was a little different with that pressure wave and it felt kind of nice when my water broke. Instantly I could tell things were different and we quickly headed back to our room. At 12:10 we got back to the room and I asked the nurse to check me, I was at an 8. Brent helping me stay relaxed while the nurse checked me. They called Maria. I heard the nurse say, "my patient is getting pretty active." I decided 2cm could take a while so I got back in the tub. I thought we had plenty of time for Maria to get there Brent using the relax cue Reading me some scripts. It seemed to me that almost instantly I felt like I needed to push! Which I thought I couldn't be to a 10 yet, so I better not, I (my body) couldn't be ready to push yet! But with the next pressure wave there was no way I could not push!
At 12:25 I got out of the tub and squatted and pushed for one pressure wave. The nurses wanted me to get on the bed, so I didn't give birth on the floor. I got on all fours to push on the bed. I remember hearing a nurse say something about getting any OB in there. They told me Ramona was coming and I smiled! Ramona is the midwife at the practice I like the most, the one I had wanted to be with me when I gave birth. I asked how far away she was and they told me she was just leaving the office, I thought I'm going to get Ramona she's only 10 min away!! I pushed with the next pressure wave and at that point I thought oh this hurts. I kind of whimpered "it hurts it hurts". Brent helping me while I pushed. Next pressure wave it burned and I said that. The nurse said yes she's doing a good job of stretching you out. I asked if she (Maizy) was there? She said yes you can feel her head. So at 12:32 I reached down and felt my baby crowing. (I think it's funny at that moment I wanted to shout, "how's my perineum?" I didn't :) I was shocked, I had pushed for an hour and a half with Croix. Here I was just a couple pushes in and she was already crowning. I also remembered with Croix his head would come out a little with a push and then go back in and that happened for such a long time. I wanted to make sure that didn't happen so with the next pressure wave I really bore down, and out came her head. The nurse said one more push for her shoulders. One more push and at 12:35 she was born. Brent was going to catch, and went down to do so when her head came out, but it all happened so fast he didn't get a chance to. The nurses kind of caught her, more they helped her land on the bed. The midwife, or any other doctor never made it. It was just me, Brent, Tricia, and the nurses. It was perfect.
At 12:45 Maria got there. She checked and said there was no tearing, just some minor abrasions. I was so happy to hear that! I was worried with how fast it had gone I would have torn. I was very glad my perineum was fine:) We waited to cut the cord until it stopped pulsing. Maizy came out perfect with a good cry. She scored a 9/9 on the Apgar. At 12:55 the placenta was delivered and it felt good to deliver the placenta, a little relief. And at 1:00 Maizy started nursing for the first time. We waited an hour or so to weigh her, just took some time to bond. She weighed in at 5 pounds 14 ounces, 19 inches long 12cm head. After a while another nurse came in and said what a great job I did. She said, I hear you even went pee by yourself. My slightly baffled response was "Yeah I'm such a big girl" When I got home and was using my water bottle after using the restroom I remembered having a hard time peeing after Croix, most likely from the catheter, and having to use water to help me start peeing. That helped me understand her comment. I heard from several nurses, what an amazing job I did. It really felt great to hear that from women who see births daily.
Maizy was doing great and I was feeling fantastic so the next morning I asked if we could be discharged. Twenty Four hours after she was born and our little family was headed home. I was confidant that Hypnobabies would work and I would have the birthing experience I wanted but I am still amazed at just how easy it really was. It was quick and comfortable. The only time I felt any real pain was when I was pushing her out. And even then I was not screaming out in pain, or crying, or vomiting, just quietly said it hurts. I felt/feel so much better afterwards this time then I did after Croix. I was immediately able to get up and walk around and I felt great! My body is/was not as tired. I am already (3 days post baby) not even taking Ibuprofen because I don't need it. When my milk came in I didn't get engorged (that can be caused by the excess fluids in your body from IV fluids during birthing time). A natural birth, a Hypnobabies birth was one of the best most beautiful experience of my life. It was perfection!
Friday, June 15, 2012
"I am planning on having an epidural. How would a doula benefit me?"
Your doula's role is to assist you during birth, to comfort and support you. Giving birth to your baby is so much more than a medical procedure. It is an emotional, spiritual and physical journey. Having a doula with you can help smooth the crucial transition from pregnancy into parenthood. Both parents will benefit from the nurturing care a doula provides. Epidurals do not always take all the pain away. There are many reasons why an expectation of a "painless childbirth" may be an unrealisitc goal. You may still require the use of other forms of comfort measures during early labor and beyond. Although epidurals due reduce pain 90% of the time, few epidurals limit all pain. Here are some barriers that may hinder your desired "painless childbirth".
Your labor may progress too quickly for you to receive an epidural.
A pre-existing medical condition, low blood pressure, low hemoglobin levels, previous spinal injuries, or prior bad reactions to anesthesia may disallow epidural usage.
Epidurals do not provide complete relief for back labor but will confine the mother to the bed and prevent her from doing many of the positions that relieve the pain of back labor.
Often you must wait for the anesthesiologist to become available.
You may need to wait while you receive 1-2 liters of I.V. fluid before the process of the epidural may begin.
The procedure itself can take up to 30 minutes to perform,
Once you have been given the epidural you may not have complete pain relief for another 20-30 minutes until the medication takes effect.
Once you are close to complete dilation, the epidural may need to wear off to encourage pushing
You may experience breakthrough pain
Epidurals increase the likelihood of other painful interventions: IVs, urinary catheters, continuous fetal monitoring either externally or internally, frequent blood pressure monitoring, maternal fever requiring use of antibiotics & tests on baby (complete blood count, spinal taps), pitocin, forceps, vacuum extractors, episiotomy, and cesarean section.
Sometimes the epidural gives only patchy pain relief, or doesn't give pain relief at all.
Some women experience epidural induced pains after the birth: epidural/spinal headaches, postpartum backaches.
Laboring is hard, so support is always welcome.
If you experience any of the above situations, or if you prefer to avoid using the epidural until you are 5-6cm to reduce your chances of needing a cesarean, your doula will be invaluable in helping you use relaxation techniques, suggesting position changes, and using non-medical comfort measures. Over 70% of the time epidurals come with mild side effects. Although not considered medically serious, these side effects can be very unpleasant. All over the body itching, nauseas, shaking (“epidural shakes”) and confused nerves may send feelings of intense heat to the lower extremities. Many women find the deadened nerve sensation in their entire lower body to be very distracting and disconcerting (similar to having your lower jaw numbed when having a filling at the dentist). The loss of feeling and control in the legs can be distressing for some mothers. The doula will stay by your side, helping you cope with the side effects you have and giving you information about your options and choices.
This link will take you to a news cast story concerning the servies doulas provide to clients.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
June Empowered Mammas Meetup
Saturday June 2, 2012
Exploring The Different Avenues Of Birth –
Hospital v/s Home and Birth Center births
4500 So. 495 E.
10.00-11.00 A.M.
Spouces and nursing babies welcome-
We will have a guest speaker there to discuss the
differences between Hospital, Birth Center and
Home Births and the advantages to each.
*Meetups held by donation*
All donations go to helping keep our group free-
Monday, May 7, 2012
Do more women go into labor during a full moon? Would more women
spontaneously deliver during a full moon if doctors and midwives did not
remove babies early via C-section or labor induction? Many experts will
adamantly deny any evidence to suggest a relationship between the moon
and our bodies. These experts seem to forget that just because something
hasn’t been proven, doesn’t mean that it isn’t real.
by David Rose
Did you know that some maternity units actually have more staff available during periods of full moon?I’ve always been fascinated by the moon’s effect on nature, so when a friend’s wife conveyed to me what her midwife had told her during the birth of their daughter, I decided to find out more about childbirth, full moon and a possible link.
On speaking to various medical staff involved in natural childbirth, the first thing I learned was that expectant mothers often experience false signs of labor during full moon. Contractions known as “Braxton Hicks” — sometimes noticeable to the mother and sometimes not — become more pronounced and many travel to the maternity unit in the belief that “it’s time”. Disappointed — or perhaps relieved — they return home, the pains having subsided with no dilation of the cervix.
While these expectant mothers visiting the clinic with their mistaken signs of labor are part of the reason why extra staff are needed, the major difference is found in the number of women whose amniotic sac — the water — breaks.
Just as some women experience false labor pains, in cases where the water breaking marks the start of childbirth, full moon is the time when it’s most likely to happen. In order to discover for myself whether this could be true, I asked several female friends how their births had started. Those who responded with “the water breaking” were then asked the date of the birth. On checking this against a moon phase chart, I discovered that almost all had given birth on, or very close to, a full moon.
The theory is that the moon’s gravitational pull effects the amniotic fluid in much the same way as it effects the water in the sea, rivers and even the water that’s otherwise found in our bodies.
“There are published works that show that there is such a relationship. One study4 looked at 5,927,978 French births occurring between the months of January 1968 and the 31st December 1974. Using spectral analysis, it was shown that there are two different rhythms in birth frequencies: –a weekly rhythm characterized by the lowest number of births on a Sunday and the largest number on a Tuesday and an annual rhythm with the maximum number of births in May and the minimum in September-October. A statistical analysis of the distribution of births in the lunar month shows that more are born between the last quarter and the new moon, and fewer are born in the first quarter of the moon. The differences between the distribution observed during the lunar month and the theoretical distribution are statistically significant.” – Source: Full moon, Gravitational Pull and Childbirth,
As a woman’s body prepares for natural childbirth, the amniotic sac becomes distended so the point where it will easily burst if put under pressure. Under normal circumstances, the pressure of labor contractions bursts the sac. During a full moon, the pressure caused by the moon’s effect on the water inside the sac can cause the same things to happen, but without the accompanying contractions.
When this happens, natural childbirth doesn’t always move forward and with no other signs of labor present, the obstetrician may decide to induce the birth. During my own study of this phenomenon I found that of 8 women whose births started with the water breaking at full moon, 5 of them had no accompanying contractions. A coincidence? Perhaps. But surely midwives wouldn’t prepare themselves for an increase in natural childbirth activity if there wasn’t some truth in this?
One midwife told me that when it comes to planning childbirth, full moons should always be looked for around the time of the expected delivery. If there’s one within a few days either side, the chances are your baby will be born on that day.
Sheryl’s comment:
Theoretically, many of our cycles should be naturally in sync with the cycles of the nature. In a world devoid of electric lights, women’s menstrual cycles naturally synchronize with the phases of the moon in which they ovulate during the full moon and menstruate at the new moon (lunar fertility). There is more at play than simply gravitational pull. Total darkness signals your body to create melatonin and the sunlight of daybreak signals your body to stop this production. The light of the full moon is a signal for your body to cease melatonin production and that is what signals the start of ovulation. Electric lights are a huge potential factor in irregular ovulation.
That said, we all know that hormones play a role in spontaneous labor and while I have no idea how the moon influences the hormones specifically related to childbirth, it stands to reason that nature affects our bodies a lot more than the medical community would like us to believe.
To enhance the effects of moon, be sure to sleep in total 100% darkness. Even a small nightlight will throw off your melatonin levels. Make sure to get plenty of light during the day and open your blinds during the three days with the fullest moon. It may or may not help influence your birth but it will help your body connect with mother earth.
Lastly, if you really want to let yourself connect with nature during childbirth then do not let unscrupulous doctors or midwives “get things going” by induction or any other methods. If you trust birth and allow your baby to come into this world when he or she is good and ready then you may just experience birth during the full moon.
Buy the Book: The Moon and Childbirth
About the author:
David Rose is the creator of the popular moon software, QuickPhase Pro, the fun and easy way to view the phases of the moon. To learn more, visit
by David Rose
Did you know that some maternity units actually have more staff available during periods of full moon?I’ve always been fascinated by the moon’s effect on nature, so when a friend’s wife conveyed to me what her midwife had told her during the birth of their daughter, I decided to find out more about childbirth, full moon and a possible link.
On speaking to various medical staff involved in natural childbirth, the first thing I learned was that expectant mothers often experience false signs of labor during full moon. Contractions known as “Braxton Hicks” — sometimes noticeable to the mother and sometimes not — become more pronounced and many travel to the maternity unit in the belief that “it’s time”. Disappointed — or perhaps relieved — they return home, the pains having subsided with no dilation of the cervix.
While these expectant mothers visiting the clinic with their mistaken signs of labor are part of the reason why extra staff are needed, the major difference is found in the number of women whose amniotic sac — the water — breaks.
Just as some women experience false labor pains, in cases where the water breaking marks the start of childbirth, full moon is the time when it’s most likely to happen. In order to discover for myself whether this could be true, I asked several female friends how their births had started. Those who responded with “the water breaking” were then asked the date of the birth. On checking this against a moon phase chart, I discovered that almost all had given birth on, or very close to, a full moon.
The theory is that the moon’s gravitational pull effects the amniotic fluid in much the same way as it effects the water in the sea, rivers and even the water that’s otherwise found in our bodies.
“There are published works that show that there is such a relationship. One study4 looked at 5,927,978 French births occurring between the months of January 1968 and the 31st December 1974. Using spectral analysis, it was shown that there are two different rhythms in birth frequencies: –a weekly rhythm characterized by the lowest number of births on a Sunday and the largest number on a Tuesday and an annual rhythm with the maximum number of births in May and the minimum in September-October. A statistical analysis of the distribution of births in the lunar month shows that more are born between the last quarter and the new moon, and fewer are born in the first quarter of the moon. The differences between the distribution observed during the lunar month and the theoretical distribution are statistically significant.” – Source: Full moon, Gravitational Pull and Childbirth,
As a woman’s body prepares for natural childbirth, the amniotic sac becomes distended so the point where it will easily burst if put under pressure. Under normal circumstances, the pressure of labor contractions bursts the sac. During a full moon, the pressure caused by the moon’s effect on the water inside the sac can cause the same things to happen, but without the accompanying contractions.
When this happens, natural childbirth doesn’t always move forward and with no other signs of labor present, the obstetrician may decide to induce the birth. During my own study of this phenomenon I found that of 8 women whose births started with the water breaking at full moon, 5 of them had no accompanying contractions. A coincidence? Perhaps. But surely midwives wouldn’t prepare themselves for an increase in natural childbirth activity if there wasn’t some truth in this?
One midwife told me that when it comes to planning childbirth, full moons should always be looked for around the time of the expected delivery. If there’s one within a few days either side, the chances are your baby will be born on that day.
Sheryl’s comment:
Theoretically, many of our cycles should be naturally in sync with the cycles of the nature. In a world devoid of electric lights, women’s menstrual cycles naturally synchronize with the phases of the moon in which they ovulate during the full moon and menstruate at the new moon (lunar fertility). There is more at play than simply gravitational pull. Total darkness signals your body to create melatonin and the sunlight of daybreak signals your body to stop this production. The light of the full moon is a signal for your body to cease melatonin production and that is what signals the start of ovulation. Electric lights are a huge potential factor in irregular ovulation.
That said, we all know that hormones play a role in spontaneous labor and while I have no idea how the moon influences the hormones specifically related to childbirth, it stands to reason that nature affects our bodies a lot more than the medical community would like us to believe.
To enhance the effects of moon, be sure to sleep in total 100% darkness. Even a small nightlight will throw off your melatonin levels. Make sure to get plenty of light during the day and open your blinds during the three days with the fullest moon. It may or may not help influence your birth but it will help your body connect with mother earth.
Lastly, if you really want to let yourself connect with nature during childbirth then do not let unscrupulous doctors or midwives “get things going” by induction or any other methods. If you trust birth and allow your baby to come into this world when he or she is good and ready then you may just experience birth during the full moon.
Buy the Book: The Moon and Childbirth
About the author:
David Rose is the creator of the popular moon software, QuickPhase Pro, the fun and easy way to view the phases of the moon. To learn more, visit
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Simple Ways to Get Back in Shape after Giving Birth
Simple Ways to Get Back in Shape after Giving Birth
-by Katie Moore
Mothers who have just given birth enter a new and somewhat hectic time in their lives. Many mothers want to get back in shape as soon as possible after giving birth, which may be difficult since new mothers often have very little time to themselves. Here are a few simple ways to get back in shape after giving birth while caring for baby at the same time. Before starting any rigorous diet and exercise program, a mother should consult with her doctor, especially if it’s before her six-week check-up. Much like the importance of planning for post-delivery options, like circumcision and umbilical cord blood banking, with a doctor during pregnancy, it’s important to plan for a mother’s post-delivery health with a doctor. In the days immediately following delivery, there are some exercises a woman can begin while laying in bed. Kegel exercises, pelvic tilt and ankle circles are all low impact, stretching and tightening exercises that will benefit a mother’s tired and changing body without asking for too much energy. As a mother recovers, she can begin to add more abdominal strengthening exercises to help with repairing muscles and aiding in weight loss. Getting outdoors is a nice change of pace for a new mother. Going for walks is a gentle and effective method for getting back in shape and breaking away from that feeling of being housebound that often comes with a new baby. Barring any complications with the birth, mothers can carry her little one in a front carrier and take a leisurely stroll. Front carriers allow the baby to connect and be soothed or take a nap, as well. It's important to ensure the baby is big enough to safely fit in the carrier and wear comfortable and well-fitting walking shoes for necessary support. Staying away from any heeled footwear for the first few months is a good idea. For mothers who would like to start jogging or running, jogging strollers are a great option. These strollers are designed to be easy and comfortable to push, allowing for a smooth ride. Most are designed for babies that are at least six months old, but there are a few that recline all the way for newborn babies. They are made to go almost anywhere, including dirt trails or the beach. If a mother is looking for a way to exercise without sacrificing bonding time with her baby, there are “Mommy and Me” classes offered, like yoga, that incorporates fitness with baby. If a mother isn’t ready to leave the house with baby, she can start with an at home DVD that offers the same benefits. Getting creative with in home exercise can also include doing chores, taking the stairs a couple extra times and even turning on some music to dance. With these steps, a mother can make a healthy transition back to her pre-pregnancy weight. A healthy mother is one who will be happier and will be a great role model for her baby to follow as he grows up. “Katie Moore has written and submitted this article. Katie is an active blogger who discusses the topics of, motherhood, children, fitness, health and all other things Mommy. She enjoys writing, blogging, and meeting new people! To connect with Katie contact her via her blog, Moore From Katie or her twitter, @moorekm26.”
Mothers who have just given birth enter a new and somewhat hectic time in their lives. Many mothers want to get back in shape as soon as possible after giving birth, which may be difficult since new mothers often have very little time to themselves. Here are a few simple ways to get back in shape after giving birth while caring for baby at the same time. Before starting any rigorous diet and exercise program, a mother should consult with her doctor, especially if it’s before her six-week check-up. Much like the importance of planning for post-delivery options, like circumcision and umbilical cord blood banking, with a doctor during pregnancy, it’s important to plan for a mother’s post-delivery health with a doctor. In the days immediately following delivery, there are some exercises a woman can begin while laying in bed. Kegel exercises, pelvic tilt and ankle circles are all low impact, stretching and tightening exercises that will benefit a mother’s tired and changing body without asking for too much energy. As a mother recovers, she can begin to add more abdominal strengthening exercises to help with repairing muscles and aiding in weight loss. Getting outdoors is a nice change of pace for a new mother. Going for walks is a gentle and effective method for getting back in shape and breaking away from that feeling of being housebound that often comes with a new baby. Barring any complications with the birth, mothers can carry her little one in a front carrier and take a leisurely stroll. Front carriers allow the baby to connect and be soothed or take a nap, as well. It's important to ensure the baby is big enough to safely fit in the carrier and wear comfortable and well-fitting walking shoes for necessary support. Staying away from any heeled footwear for the first few months is a good idea. For mothers who would like to start jogging or running, jogging strollers are a great option. These strollers are designed to be easy and comfortable to push, allowing for a smooth ride. Most are designed for babies that are at least six months old, but there are a few that recline all the way for newborn babies. They are made to go almost anywhere, including dirt trails or the beach. If a mother is looking for a way to exercise without sacrificing bonding time with her baby, there are “Mommy and Me” classes offered, like yoga, that incorporates fitness with baby. If a mother isn’t ready to leave the house with baby, she can start with an at home DVD that offers the same benefits. Getting creative with in home exercise can also include doing chores, taking the stairs a couple extra times and even turning on some music to dance. With these steps, a mother can make a healthy transition back to her pre-pregnancy weight. A healthy mother is one who will be happier and will be a great role model for her baby to follow as he grows up. “Katie Moore has written and submitted this article. Katie is an active blogger who discusses the topics of, motherhood, children, fitness, health and all other things Mommy. She enjoys writing, blogging, and meeting new people! To connect with Katie contact her via her blog, Moore From Katie or her twitter, @moorekm26.”
umbilical cord blood banking- (second paragraph last sentence) linked to:
a woman can begin (third paragraph first sentence) linked to: services/pregnancy/ information/postpartum- exercises.html
strollers (fifth paragraph first sentence) linked to: http://www.urmc.rochester. edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx? ContentTypeID=1&ContentID=1912
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
When should I introduce solid food to my baby?
How to make baby food at home
Making your own baby food is quick and easy. Watch a professional chef demonstrate how to do it.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies be breastfed exclusively for at least six months – though parents will attest that some babies are eager and ready to eat solids earlier.
How will I know when my baby's ready?
Your baby will give you clear signs when he's ready to move beyond liquid-only nourishment. Cues to look for include:- Head control. Your baby needs to be able to keep his head in a steady, upright position.
- Losing the "extrusion reflex." To keep solid food in his mouth and then swallow it, your baby needs to stop using his tongue to push food out of his mouth.
- Sitting well when supported. Even if he's not quite ready for a highchair, your baby needs to be able to sit upright to swallow well.
- Chewing motions. Your baby's mouth and tongue develop in sync with his digestive system. To start solids, he should be able to move food to the back of his mouth and swallow. As he learns to swallow efficiently, you may notice less drooling – though if your baby's teething, you might still see a lot of drool.
- Significant weight gain. Most babies are ready to eat solids when they've doubled their birth weight (or weigh about 15 pounds) and are at least 4 months old.
- Growing appetite. He seems hungry – even with eight to ten feedings of breast milk or formula a day.
- Curiosity about what you're eating. Your baby may begin eyeing your bowl of rice or reaching for a forkful of fettuccine as it travels from your plate to your mouth.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Why a doula is like a Real Estate Agent.
Many time in my profession I get this, "What exactly does a doula do?"
I have answered all the typical responses like:
"Doulas help to keep moms comfortable..."
"We provide physical support, emotional support, and knowledge to the birthing couple..."
"I am there to help the couple, not just mom, to have a great birth experience..."
But then the other day I answered it like this...

"When most people plan to purchase a home, especially their first home, they turn to the help and expertise of a real estate agent. They look around, take personal refferals and finally pick the agent that is the best match for them. This can be a personalty match, or maybe they like the way the look on paper, or maybe they use them because it is the same person their sister used. This agent works sits down with them, ask them what they are looking for in a home, what is most important for them, how the agent can be of best assistance. Then, she goes to work, providing them with information, pros and cons, and then s/he will walk them through the process from start to finish. Once the home buyer/s have found the perfect place, their agent then walks them through the paper work, the inspection, etc. Step by step their trusted friend helps them to get the best experience they can. If there are unexpected things that come up, s/he knows how best to navigate around them. After the purchase is complete, the agent usually follows up to make sure things are going well and to answer and questions they might have once they are in the home. This friendship they created will last a life time. When the buyer is ready to upgrade to a bigger home, they will once again rely on the trust and expertise that their agent provides.
Yes, this is very similar to a doula.
When a couple is expecting a baby, especially their first, they will often start by talking to friends and family. Then, someone they know and trust will mention that they used a doula (or perhaps they will research this on the internet) Then the couple will set out to learn more about what a doula is and how they can help. Then, they will take personal referrals from friends or family or off the internet. After interviewing one or many doulas, they will pick one that is the best match for them. This doula, this birth professional, will then go to work. She will sit down with the couple, ask them what they are looking for in their birth, what is most important for them, how the she can be of best assistance to them during their birth. She goes to work, providing them with information, pros and cons, and will walk them through the process from start to finish. Once the the big day arrives, their doula is there from start to finish. She is providing them with information, alternatives, support, and love. If there are unexpected things that come up, she knows how best to help them make an informed decision. After the birth, their doula will follow up to make sure things are going well and to answer any questions they might have. This friendship they created will last a life time. When the couple is ready to have another baby, often times they will once again rely on the trust and expertise that their doula provides.
I truly believe that my real estate agent was incredible. She was patient and kind, she worked hard for us, and found us the home that we love! My doulas, yes I had two with my second birth, were just the same. They were incredible, they were patient (my second birth was 58 hours) they were kind and loving, and they helped me to have an incredible birth that I look back on with joy.
I have been to may births, and each one is personal to me. I become friends with each family, we create a relationship that lasts years. I wouldn't change it for the world, I value each family and the joy I get from helping them through the birth process.
And who knows, maybe one day I will get to be the doula for my real estate agent... that'd be pretty cool :)
(realestateimage from
(doula image from
I have answered all the typical responses like:
"Doulas help to keep moms comfortable..."
"We provide physical support, emotional support, and knowledge to the birthing couple..."
"I am there to help the couple, not just mom, to have a great birth experience..."
But then the other day I answered it like this...

"When most people plan to purchase a home, especially their first home, they turn to the help and expertise of a real estate agent. They look around, take personal refferals and finally pick the agent that is the best match for them. This can be a personalty match, or maybe they like the way the look on paper, or maybe they use them because it is the same person their sister used. This agent works sits down with them, ask them what they are looking for in a home, what is most important for them, how the agent can be of best assistance. Then, she goes to work, providing them with information, pros and cons, and then s/he will walk them through the process from start to finish. Once the home buyer/s have found the perfect place, their agent then walks them through the paper work, the inspection, etc. Step by step their trusted friend helps them to get the best experience they can. If there are unexpected things that come up, s/he knows how best to navigate around them. After the purchase is complete, the agent usually follows up to make sure things are going well and to answer and questions they might have once they are in the home. This friendship they created will last a life time. When the buyer is ready to upgrade to a bigger home, they will once again rely on the trust and expertise that their agent provides.
Yes, this is very similar to a doula.

I truly believe that my real estate agent was incredible. She was patient and kind, she worked hard for us, and found us the home that we love! My doulas, yes I had two with my second birth, were just the same. They were incredible, they were patient (my second birth was 58 hours) they were kind and loving, and they helped me to have an incredible birth that I look back on with joy.
I have been to may births, and each one is personal to me. I become friends with each family, we create a relationship that lasts years. I wouldn't change it for the world, I value each family and the joy I get from helping them through the birth process.
And who knows, maybe one day I will get to be the doula for my real estate agent... that'd be pretty cool :)
(realestateimage from
(doula image from
Monday, March 12, 2012
This is a beautiful look at pregnancy from the beginning....
Have you seen this? Awesome!
www.ksl.comA couple turns a 9-month life-changing experience into a 90-second short film
Monday, February 27, 2012
Breast Feeding Class Special
Great Baby Shower Gift for local mommies :)
books, but you still don't know exactly what to expect
now that you're expecting. At The Doula House, you'll..
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
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