Sunday, November 15, 2009

2010 Hypnobabies classes, utah


Tuesdays from 6-9pm

January 5, 12, 19, 26, February 2, 9

Week 7 (optional) New Parent Education. Feb. 16th

*see info below*


Thursdays from 6-9pm

February 11, 18, 25, March 4, 11, 18

Week 7 (optional) New Parent Education. March 25th

*see info below*


Tuesdays from 6-9pm

March 23, 30, April 6, 13, 20, 27

Week 7 (optional) New Parent Education. May 4th

*see info below*

New Parent Education Course (week Seven)

We have extended each class to included a New Parent Education Course. (optional) This class will cover The Happiest Baby; which will teach you the techniques to calm and comfort any baby, every time!! The Happiest Baby class is based off the teaching of Dr. Harvey Karp, and is an essential to any new mom (see other services for full description) We will also cover Breastfeeding, child safety, and much more. This class will be taught on the same day of the week as your Hypnobabies class at the same time. We have just extended class one more week. For more information, or to register for a class (even if you aren't a Hypnobabies mom) please call 801-548-2917

NOTE: If you do not see a class on a day that works with you, we are more than willing to start a new class if we have enough interest.

Doula Testimonial (Marinda Lloyd, the Doula House L.L.C.

This birthing experience was SO much better than my first! After getting a spinal migraine from my epidural with my first child, I was bed ridden for 3 days until I got an excrutiating painful blood patch. Needless to say, I was determined to make my second delivery a much more pleasant experience! So I sought out help from others and decided to take a Hypno Birthing class and hired a doula, Marinda to help keep my focus on the task at hand. I feel that I had great coping skills and birthed at home with the help of my doula, Marinda until I was about a 6-7 centimeters when I arrived at the hospital. This was when my doula helped me tremendously! I was having a hard time relieving the pain and staying focused, so my doula helped me get in different pain relieving positions and tried hard to help me stay focused. The last half hour I really wanted to give up, but Marinda (along with my very supportive husband) knew my desires and goals and helped to keep my mind on the end in sight.
I had a strong desire to push long before my body was actually ready to deliver and if it weren't for Marinda, I'm sure I would've pushed that baby out and ripped everything on the way! About 1 1/2 hour later, I gave birth to a beautiful girl!
I felt so great after this delivery! I was a little exhausted at first, but I had so much adrenaline that I recouped quickly and I was ready to go home that night! I have felt so much more energized and just overall feel better this time around because I went the natural route and I am so thankful for a supportive husband and doula for helping to give me that experience!
Dawn E. 9/9/09

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Beautfiul Hypnobabies Birth (testimonial)

I had always wanted to have a natural childbirth, and I gave it a shot with my first son 14 years ago. But back then, and up until I met Marinda, I thought the way to go natural was to just not have any drugs. After 20 hours of painful exhausting labor with my first, I believed that going natural was something I would never have the strength to do.

After my first interview with Marinda, she answered questions and eased so many fears that I had and I began to believe that maybe I could have a beautiful natural childbirth.

Marinda was so kind and generous answering any questions and helping me though all my fears. She is so educated and there was never a fear that she couldn’t ease by explaining an alternative solution that did not involve drugs, and I ended up looking forward to a natural child birth.

I studied Hypnobabies and Marinda helped me to thoroughly prepare for my birthing day.

On the day I went into labor, I was so surprised at how well Hypnobabies worked for me. I didn’t even believe I was in labor because my birthing waves felt so wonderful and amazing. Nothing like I remembered feeling 14 years ago with my first. I started having pressure waves at 4am. I went to work at 8am and timed my waves, which were 4 and 5 minutes apart. I realized that since that is when most women go to the hospital, I should at least go home. I called Marinda and she came to my house right away. After observing and helping me though a few pressure waves, Marinda actually had to convince me that I was much farther along in my labor than I was willing to believe and so we headed off to the hospital with my contractions being about 1 min 30 seconds apart. The waves still felt so amazing and powerful, but not painful.

We arrived at the hospital at 11:50 and I was assessed by a nurse who said I was only 4+ cm dilated. I began go get scared because I was having all signs of transition. Marinda also believed I had progressed farther than 4+ cm dilated and helped calm me when I felt I was losing my mind. She got me up to go to the bathroom knowing that would help descend the baby down and help me become complete. When I got back to the bed, and a few birthing waves later, I felt the urge to push. The nurse checked me and I was complete. Marinda was so amazing at supporting me through my pushing. She would breathe with me and encourage me to push when and as hard as I wanted too, which pushing my baby down and out was the most beautiful amazing experience of my life.

I had my son 47 minutes after arriving at the hospital at 12:37pm weighing 8lb 4oz and 21 inches long.

Marinda’s support has not only been offered to me, but also to my fiancĂ©. She supported him during my labor and delivery to help keep him calm. She has also helped him, as a new first time dad, on how to handle a newborn and we are both so grateful for her.

I have to thank Marinda and Hypnobabies so deeply. I know I could not have had the birthing of my dreams if it wasn’t for her. Going natural became so much more for me than just not taking drugs. It was a very spiritual, beautiful, empowering experience that I now look forward to experiencing again, which I will definitely have Marinda as my Doula when we have another baby.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hypnobabies Utah Classes For September and October

Tuesdays from 6-9 (Starts September 15th)

September 15, 22, 29 October 6, 13, 20 ONLY 3 Spots Left

Thursdays from 6-9 (starts October 8th)

October 8, 15, 22, 29, November 5, 12 ONLY 1 Spot Left

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Hypnobabies Birth

On Tuesday morning at 9:00am, Jon called me to tell me that Jane was having regular birthing waves, and that she had lost her mucus plug. He said she had been having strong birthing waves for about 2 hours. When I asked him how far apart the birthing waves were, he told me they were about 1-3 minutes apart. I told her that I could meet him at the hospital, and he put Jane on the phone. She was very relaxed, and I could tell she was in a deep state of hypnosis. She told me she wasn’t sure that this was really labor, and told me she would rather me meet them at their house. I arrive at their house at 10:00 with a strong knowing that we needed to go to the hospital right away. I told Jon that we needed to leave, and he began getting the final things ready and out to the car. I met Jane in the bathroom, where she had just gotten out of the bathtub. She was still very calm, but I could tell she was in transformation (transition) by the way she looked, acted, and the way she was standing. Her birthing waves were very regular about 1-3 minutes apart. She used me to lean on during her pressure waves, and made primal noises to help release the energy she was feeling. She responded powerfully to her deepening cues every time I used them. When she had a birthing wave, I would tell her “release” or “peace” and all the tension would leave her body. She would completely relax. Then her pressure wave would peak, and I would remind her to “relax” or “peace.” It was so wonderful to see these hypnosis techniques working so wonderfully well. At one point Jane looked at me, completely calm, and told me “He is on his way, I know it.” She was not panicked or fearful, she just knew and was in-tune with her body.

We began making our way to the car when Jane told me she just wanted to lie down. I told her we really needed to get to the hospital, and I helped her the rest the way out to the car. We arrive at the hospital at about 10:50. Jon went to get a wheel chair, and I helped Jane out of the car. Then a staff member came out to the valet parking lot and asked if we needed a nurse, I told her yes as Jane told me she knew his head was between her legs. The staff member went to get the nurses, and we got Jane’s pants off, and sure enough, baby was crowning. I had brought my birth stool with me, and it came in very handy. We got Jane on the birth stool, and she went into a deeper state of hypnosis. The nurses were all telling her to “push, push push,” but Jane said, “NO, I need one second.” After taking a few deep breathes, she said she was ready, and with Jon supporting her from behind, she began to push. She was completely silent as she pushed 2 times, and her baby was out. He was completely healthy, and alert. Dad went to hold the baby, and I assisted Jane as she pushed the placenta out with one good push. Her baby was born at 11:00 am, on a beautiful sunny morning. We got Jane inside and checked out, and she was perfect. Both her and the baby were in perfect health, and happy and alert. Within 20 minutes we had breastfeeding established, and he nursed like a pro.

It was such a fast and amazing birth, and she was a strong, confident mother. With the support of an amazing spouse, and her hypnobabies techniques, she had a very quick birth.

I am so lucky to have been apart of this wonderful experience, and see these two loving people work so well together. I learned so much from this birth. Jane was so confident and calm during her birthing time, and her an Jon were so peaceful.

**names have been changed**

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hypnobabies Utah classes

What If…
Your baby could be born un-medicated, alert and looking into your eyes?
What If…
You could Enjoy childbirth in Comfort, Joy and Love?
What If…
You could have it ALL?



Yes! These are babies whose parents choose to easily and naturally prepare for childbirth using the Hypnobabies method of Hypnotic Childbirth, which teaches real medical hypnosis techniques, creating an automatically peaceful, relaxing and more comfortable pregnancy, a calm confident Hypno-Dad, and an easier, fearless and often pain-free birthing for our Hypno-Mom.

Hypnobabies is a complete childbirth education course that also teaches Gerald Kein's famous Painless Childbirth techniques to Hypnobabies mothers so that they can enter hypnosis, deepen it themselves and remain mobile during labor, completely comfortable at all times. Most of our Hypno-babies have no drugs in their systems when they are born, and are able to nurse, breathe well and interact with their happy parents immediately.

We know that all change comes from within, and that hypnosis is a very powerful tool for creating new belief systems and powerful physical effects, so at Hypnobabies we simply help women and their partners learn to empower themselves in this wonderful way for their baby’s birth. It works beautifully and is so successful that we are now offering Hypnobabies Classes across the USA, and our Hypnobabies Home Study Course for Expectant Mothers, which is being used all over the world very successfully.

The Doula House offers Hypnobabies Classes in Davis County, Salt Lake County, and now in Utah County.

Upcoming Classes:

In Davis County:

Tuesdays from 6-9 (Starts July 21st)

July 21, 28, August 4, 11, 18, 25

Thursdays from 6-9 (Starts August 13th)

August 13, 20, 27, September3, 10, 17

Tuesdays from 6-9 (Starts September 15th)

September 15, 22, 29 October 6, 13, 20


August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Sept. 5

In Utah County:

Wednesdays from 6-9 (Starts July 29th)

July, 29, August 5, 12, 19, 26, September 2

Saturdays from 9-12 (Starts August 1)

August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Septemer 5